sabato 14 giugno 2014
Cinguettii - 12
Studi scientifici decennali
We can neither confirm nor deny
Lo sospettavo
Naming conventions in Europe, Asia and North Africa
If you are the smartest person in the room
No but seriously those pedestrians act like they own the road
Here's how people 100 years ago thought we'd be living today
Einstein, Pascal and Newton play hide and go seeksoluzione: SI
Guardar dall'alto in basso. Robert Doisneau photo
Avete ragione, c'è troppo cinismo e negatività negli ultimi Tweet
Drive-In Theater in San Fransisco, 1948
New York in 1931
SUCCESS: 26/26 (100%) Tests passed
Best. Mom. Ever.
San Francisco, of course
Cisalpina est divisa in partes tres
Why science is important
Ho imparato ad aspettare, finalmente
FC Barcelona's stadium, 1909
And I thought my job title slightly understated my actual role...
Qui si mette male
who you are or what you do define how you view the world around you
gli uomini possono pensare a due cose contemporaneamente
Never end a sentence with "scientists say"
Il perché dell'astronautica
Here's the National Stadium of Brasilia seen by the space station
Dev'essere ben buffa
Just in case...
Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein at the Bohr-Einstein debates over quantum mechanics
Sta arrivando il temporale, ma è Allevi, che mi preoccupa. Geniale, Juhan!