sabato 18 febbraio 2017
Suggerimenti - 260
141 anni di storia, quotidiano più letto d'Italia. Sipario
The American people did not vote to pollute the environment
Today Trump removed all open data (9GB) from the White House
The grass is always greener on the other side
Size matters
Abandoned ferris wheel
Edward Snowden’s New Job
Buongiorno, diplomazia internazionale
Could the digital age reverse how we decide what is true and what is not?
Trudeau v Trump handshake analysis. This isn't trivial
Roses are red
Watergate is the biggest political scandal of my lifetime, until maybe now
Lost in translation...
Test riuscito!
Nearly 56,000 Bridges Called Structurally Deficient
situazione simile anche da noi, nèh!
Read carefully: leaving the euro will not solve Italy's problem
#smartcities combine old industrial with #energyefficiency modern architecture. #Turin rocks
L’ironia dello studente all’inaugurazione dell’Anno Accademico del Politecnico conquista tutti
This is chilling
the trump handshake
L'esperimento del bicchiere capovolto
This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine
Why yes, I'd be happy to join that committee!
Don’t believe everything you hear
when they finally create a white entertainment television
Le ciabatte del coinquilino del piano di sopra
Tu or Vous?
The anti-vaccine movement is growing dangerously stronger
What a letter to the New York Times this is
davvero interessante, spiega Trump, Silvio, i padagni indigeni locali di qui
The President of the United States has an online poll on the press’s coverage of him
This is the most beautiful chart in the world
Irene è una grande!
No US president in my lifetime has talked like this
Chi ha il mestolo in mano mescola come vuole. Renzi vaffanBeppe! 👿
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