venerdì 19 maggio 2017
Suggerimenti - 301
Se Silvio ci avesse pensato!
ottimo lavoro, serviva
mappa dei vaccini
Squares appear to bend
Clima sereno
And we are hoping the president doesn’t tweet
Questa la variazione netta di contratti lavoro nel I trimestre negli ultimi 3 anni
ditelo al cazzaro e ai suoi lecchini
Mt. St. Helens erupted & Douglas Geisler wrote perhaps the best telescope log entry of all time
multiplication tend to be non-commutative
Sì, hai capito bene #Borghezio, son proprio 50.000!
Are Pop Lyrics Getting More Repetitive?
interessante & sorprendente
NATO tells head of states to "limit talks to two to four minutes at a time” due to Trump’s short attention span
OK, è rinko come il cazzaro e il suo ispiratore (Silvio)
And then...
NASA Has Detected Hundreds of Unexpected Flashes Reflecting Off Our Planet
il ghiaccio nelle nubi, chi l'abrebbe detto mai?
Karma comes at you quick
Tesla Factory Workers Reveal Pain, Injury and Stress: 'Everything Feels Like the Future But Us'
Things to do today
Learn the rules like a pro
The Accidents of History That Shaped Global Migration
Friendly reminder that everyone’s code is broken, not just yours
Okay, so here I am everyone!! 😜
Remember when we had Obama's scandals to deal with?
Hubble Views The Final Frontier For Dark Matter
questo andrebbe spiegato bene, in un libro da uno dei nostri divulgatori tosti in modo che sia comprensibile anche a quelli come me
Avete rotto le palle
How Pixar Lost Its Way
As the Representative of Salem, MA, I can confirm that this is false
Per fortuna che avevano cambiato idea...
eh... i vaccini
Brexit Has Put EU Politicians in Panic Mode
This is why we gotta appreciate black women...
Today's society
Trump is, in effect, appointing his own lawyers
proprio come Silvio?
Perché l’innovazione è più importante della politica
Il est 13:49 en Californie et il n'y a pas encore eu le scandale-Trump-du-jour
D'autant qu'il y a une heure, cet ami de l'ex-directeur du FBI a tweeté ceci
ottima la traduzione 😜
Salvini is dead and was replaced by a look-alike: a conspiracy theory
Finally! Scientific proof that the Earth isn't flat!
È difficile essere padri
Should We Be Sending Messages Into Space for Aliens?
No technology under control of the police will be used for police accountability
Gli USA si scoprono vulnerabili
‘Collateral murder’ exposed US war crimes against Iraqi civilians – and Chelsea Manning got 7 years for revealing it
per non dimenticare di ringraziarla, sempre e ora che è tornata libera 😁
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