domenica 13 agosto 2017

Suggerimenti - 337

Periodo terribile, dappertutto. Vedo che non tutti i social ne parlano, i giornali travisano, la tele renzisce e minnitisce. Forse sono solo io. Forse poi mi passa.

Ignoranza giornalistica e bigottismo da due soldi. Vergogna e schifo

When I hear, today, "Charlottesville doesn't matter,"

E dai e dai, @MSF_ITALIA @MSF sospende le attività

In arrivo un po' di novità
Sandro 👽 rockz!

When I first saw this, I thought it's alien language

The 2017 Hugo Awards

Sospendiamo temporaneamente operazioni nel #mediterraneo con nave #MSF

Hell of a day for the President to forget how to tweet
J.K. Rowling, sì quella, rockz! 👽

Tenere insieme accoglienza e legalità

Quindi poi Cerasa dirà che i pezzi di ieri sul global warming, roba da sfidare la C-Star a figure di merda, son frutto di un colpo di sole?

E pure quelli di #Charlottesville,Virginia

Migranti, Medici senza frontiere sospende i salvataggi: “La Libia spara, è troppo pericoloso”
non solo quello; non rendersi complici del massacro

Da leggere, per chi vuole sul serio saperne di più
brava Sophie!

Horseshoe galaxies and hand grenades
segnalato da GLF, rockz!

Certo da una nazione che ha votato #Trump presidente

Oh no! Where did the car get radicalized?

Semplice #ong #Italia #Libia #migranti #Boldrini #charliecomics

Africa has entered the space race, with Ghana’s first satellite now orbiting earth

Some businesses in #Charlottesville #Virginia took a stand against hate & bigotry by closing their doors & hanging these signs in protest

As Trump says "many sides" responsible for Charlottesville violence & hatred, city's mayor directly blames Trump

L'incapacità dei media italiani di chiamare i fascisti con il loro nome non si può più ignorare dopo l'assassinio di #Charlottesville

Trump's silence is an obscene debasement of his office. Not a President at all but a cowardly worm.He lives for the adoration of racist scum

It's hard to overstate how unpresidential it is to not condemn white supremacy and paint Charlottesville as a "both sides do it" issue

yes hello i am extremely human why do you ask

I nazi americani accusano un innocente "di sinistra" per l'attacco terroristico di #Charlottesville Quelli italiani gli van dietro

There is only one side. #charlottesville

"You pretend that you are patriots but you are anything but a patriot," @GovernorVA says to white supremacists in #Charlottesville

Seeing people saying Trump is a "coward" for not condemning. Disagree. He recognizes them as allies

"I have a message for the White supremacists and Nazis:go home. You are not wanted in this commonwealth."-VA Gov. McAuliffe #Charlottesville

Also important for GOP to acknowledge and condemn white supremacists in admin -- including POTUS -- and stop endorsing and confirming them
anche i responsabili molto di destra come Rubio alle volte ragionano e non perdono la testa, non inseguono i voti

These are amazing photos. This group of teens at the center of this rally. I'm so afraid for them, and so proud they exist. Thank you

Majority of fatal attacks on U.S. soil carried out by white supremacists (i.e., racists), not terrorists

A President who cannot explicitly say this is a disgrace

Impeach the white supremacist in the White House

If you are not condemning this attack, you are the problem. If you're asking for "both sides" to stop, you are the problem. #Charlottesville

Sen. McCain: "White supremacists and neo-Nazis are, by definition, opposed to American patriotism"
come già detto

Ehi @Corriere ma non vi sembra incredibile che in un corteo di suprematisti bianchi i feriti siano questi?

Cuomo's statement on #Charlottesville

Non bastava la falsa accusa a un innocente, bisognava metterci anche #Soros

No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion...

Beh, #Giachetti è una persona coerente

.@POTUS you roar like a lion at North Korea and Venezuela, but you're as meek as a mouse to the racist neo-Nazis already harming America

We should call evil by its name. My brother didn't give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home

This is Heather Heyer. She was killed by the Nazi who ran people over in #Charlottesville

Police Stood By As Mayhem Mounted in Charlottesville

Here's What We Know About The Man Accused Of Killing A Woman At A White Supremacist Rally

Donald Trump mocked Barack Obama for not calling Islamic Terrorism by its name

Exactly 90 years ago this summer, Trump's father was arrested at a KKK rally in Queens

Of 85 deadly US terror attacks since 9/11, far-right-wing extremists were responsible for 62, Islamic extremists 23

Repubblica nasconde l'attacco terroristico di #Charlottesville e le violenze dei nazi
da tempo ho smesso di leggerla

Ricapitolando: Il razzismo è colpa dei buonisti, i morti in mare delle ONG, il morbillo dei vaccini, il colesterolo di frutta e verdura

Trump ha qualcosa in comune con la Repubblica di @mariocalabresi

Trump's week

Not many presidents could make threatening nuclear war the second worst thing he did in a week

Di Maio e l'abusivismo

Non saremo complici di un sistema che intrappola persone in #Libia

Big Bang e buchi neri

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