Post molto sperimentale: tento di riportare i tweets che giungono dal CERN, in particolare conto su Marco Delmastro che si sta già attivando.
Marco Delmastro:
Good morning world. It's 5:30 and I'm heading to #CERN. Given what I ready about #occupyCERN and the people queuing, I doubt I'll get in :-(
ATLAS Experiment:
Peter Jenni during press briefing in Melbourne showing Peter #Higgs in #ATLAS #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
It's 7:38, and I'm inside
Marco Delmastro:
Your neighbor physicist is ready to tweet #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Inside #Cern Auditorium waiting for the #Higgs seminar to start @ Cern Main Auditorium
Marco Delmastro:
Half of the #CERN Auditorium is reserved for VIP physicists. Knowing who remained outside, I'm wondering how these place were assigned! #WTF
Marco Delmastro:
I see Summer Students in #CERN Auditorium, and I know people working on #ATLAS and #Higgs since 20 years outside. This ain't right.
Marco Delmastro:
Un nuovo post: La giornata sarà lunga
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Are we close to discovering the Higgs Boson?
Marco Delmastro:
It's 16:39 in Melbourne, and people are gathering in the #ICHEP2012 conf room to follow the #CERN #Higgs seminar. We see you form here!
Comincio a chiedermi se non vi convenga andare su Twitter; e non ho una risposta ;-)
Marco Delmastro:
Francois Englert and six ex-CERN DGs are in the Auditorium. Waiting for Peter Higgs to show up!
Posso migliorare una cosa: lasciare attivi gli #hashtag, se ci riesco.
Marco Delmastro:
Just drinking coffee for the time being. I wonder when we could drink some kind of alcohol (it will soon be 5PM in Melbourne no?)
Peppe Liberti:
live blog sull'higgs
Marco Delmastro:
minutes to go, and I see a fair concentration of ties (rather unusual for physicists) in the front rows.
Marco Delmastro:
Well, I am myself wearing a shirt today. And no sandals :-)
Marco Delmastro:
Peter Higgs enter the room!
Gianluigi Filippelli:
DocMadhattan: Are we close to discovering the Higgs Boson?
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Silence before the storm
ATLAS Experiment:
2 minute warning for
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Joe Incandela,
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Given the sensitivity for the different decay channels, with the data we have we are able to exclude a SM
Gianluigi Filippelli:
People to follow:
Marco Delmastro:
CMs can use slighly more than 5/fb for
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Multi Variate
Stefano Bagnasco:
La finale di coppa
La fisica mondiale oggi si ferma per guardare la finale di Coppa del Mondo di Bosone di Higgs, in diretta dal CERN qui. Il prof. S.C. con il suo consueto tempismo è in treno e la rete del Frecciarossa è quella che è, ma per esempio c'è Marco che si è alzato presto e twitta in diretta.
Marco Delmastro:
"Pileup" is the superposuition of several proton-proton collisions at the same time. The physicists nightmare, but tamed in 2012
Marco Delmastro:
SM redicocered by CMS to high precision. The road to
Marco Delmastro:
ATLAS Experiment:
Full house in Melbourne as
Marco Delmastro:
Joe flashed the
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Screenshots from CMS talk: Standard Model
Marco Delmastro:
Here it comes the
CMS Experiment CERN:
ATLAS Experiment:
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Screenshot from CMS talk: gamma-gamma channel overview #Higgs #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Uh, the #CMS category diphoton spectra! One can see several peaks… Let's see where this leads...
Marco Delmastro:
Beatrice Mautino:
Marco Delmastro:
The p-value is the probability of the background to mimic a signal. The smaller is is, the more the#Higgs signal is believable
Marco Delmastro:
#CMs had 4-sigma #higgs signal in diphoton channel
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Screenshot from CMS talk: the exclusion for SM Higgs (look it!)#Higgs #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
#CMS presents a combined two-photon mass plot indicating a 4.1 sigma significance around 125 GeV #higgs #ichep2012 #LHC
The p-value is the probability of the background to mimic a signal. The smaller is is, the more the
Marco Delmastro:
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Screenshot from CMS talk: the exclusion for SM Higgs (look it!)
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
That's definitively a peak#CMS #Higgs #4leptons #ICHEP2012
CMS Experiment CERN:
Animated event display! "#LHC collision event at CMS showing two photons - 8 TeV (CMS #Higgs search)" #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
#CMs 4 leptons channel has 3.3 sigma singificance at ~125 GeV (slightly lowet then expected)
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Screenshot from CMS talk: fitted signal#Higgs #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
#Higgs can also decay to 2 Z bosons, each decaying to 2 muons or 2 electrons. #CMS display 4-lepton mass spectrum with 3.2 sigma excess.
Marco Delmastro:
5 f**cking sigmas! Combining#CMS 2011 and 2012 diphoton and 4-leptons channels #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012 #HiggsDiscovery
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Incredible... 5.0 sigma for ZZ+gg...#Higgs #ICHEP2012
A iè? ;-)
Marco Delmastro:
#higgs #CMS Combination of 2-photon and 4-lepton channels comes to 5 sigma. Applause from physicists at #CERN and #ichep2012.
That's definitively a peak
CMS Experiment CERN:
Animated event display! "
Marco Delmastro:
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Screenshot from CMS talk: fitted signal
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
5 f**cking sigmas! Combining
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Incredible... 5.0 sigma for ZZ+gg...
A iè? ;-)
Marco Delmastro:
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
Wait! Maybe #ATLAS does not see anything, and the #CMS 5-sigmas are an experimental problem :-) #ICHEP2012 #CERN
Marco Delmastro:
Adding that#CMS WW channels brings 5 sigmas to 5.1 (5.2 expected). There's no room for doubt… #Higgs #ICHEP2012 #CERN #HiggsDiscovery
ATLAS Experiment:
All eyes now turn to#ATLAS spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti, as she presents #Higgs results. Are they the same? Info to be posted at
Marco Delmastro:
#CMS H->tautau channel has a small *deficit* around where you would expect an exces. Ok, it's not that sensible, but stil… #Higgs #ICHEP2012
Adding that
ATLAS Experiment:
All eyes now turn to
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Is what #CMS see the SM #Higgs boson? Looks rather compatible given the signal strengths. More data will tell better… #CERN #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
The#CMS diphoton channel has an excess larger by a factor 2 wrt what the SM predicts. Let's what #ATLAS sees… #Higgs #ICHEP2012
Mark Tibbetts:
"We have observed a new boson with a mass of 125.3+/-0.6GeV at 4.9sigma significance"#Higgs #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Forza Fabiola!#Higgs #ATLAS #CERN #ICHEP2012
Conclusione dell'intervento di Incandela, portavoce di#CMS: "Abbiamo osservato un nuovo bosone con una massa di...
Gianluigi Filippelli:
The conclusion of CMS talk: nearest to the discovery!!!#Higgs #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
#ATLAS will only show updated 2012 #Higgs results for H->gammagamma and H->ZZ->4l. Would they be enough? #teasing #CERN #ICHEP2012
Mark Tibbetts:
"We have observed a new boson with a mass of 125.3+/-0.6GeV at 4.9sigma significance"
Marco Delmastro:
Forza Fabiola!
Conclusione dell'intervento di Incandela, portavoce di
Gianluigi Filippelli:
The conclusion of CMS talk: nearest to the discovery!!!
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Gavin McCance:
Fabiola uses#comicsans again. Outstanding! #LHC
Marco Delmastro:
That's my baby! The#ATLAS ECAL! Look how well it behaves! My child! :-) #ATLAS #CERN #Higgs #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
I like that Fabiola spends time to review experimental issue like trigger. Results and discovery don't pop-up out of the blue!#ATLAS #Higgs
ATLAS Experiment:
Physicists at#ichep2012 watch #ATLAS spokesperson Fabiola Gianotti present #Higgs results. Do they line up with #CMS?
Marco Delmastro:
Lost network in#CERN Auditorium!!! #howcanitweet?
ATLAS Experiment:
#ATLAS thanks the efforts of the #LHC world-wide #grid for making it possible to process a quadrillion events during the past two years.
Marco Delmastro:
Fabiola has a word for all teams in#ATLAS. That's a spokesperson! No results will be possibile w/o all groups! #Higgs #CERN @ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Uff, network is back in time for the meat of the#ATLAS results!
Marco Delmastro:
Now the 2012 H->gammagamma#ATLAS results! #CERN #ICHEP2012 #Higgs
Phil Plait:
Y'all can make fun of Comic Sans all you want when *you* discover a fundamental new particle that's a key to modern physics.
ATLAS Experiment:
Fabiola uses
Marco Delmastro:
That's my baby! The
Marco Delmastro:
I like that Fabiola spends time to review experimental issue like trigger. Results and discovery don't pop-up out of the blue!
ATLAS Experiment:
Physicists at
Marco Delmastro:
Lost network in
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
Fabiola has a word for all teams in
Marco Delmastro:
Uff, network is back in time for the meat of the
Marco Delmastro:
Now the 2012 H->gammagamma
Phil Plait:
Y'all can make fun of Comic Sans all you want when *you* discover a fundamental new particle that's a key to modern physics.
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
To see #Higgs in diphoton channel you need good energy resolution, and excelllent photon identification. #ATLAS #CERN
Marco Delmastro:
The problem is that the majority of photons in pp collisions don't came from #Higgs decay! #ATLAS #CERN #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
#ATLAS does not depend on tracking to know where the photons come from. The ECAL is longitudinally segmented, can see the direction! #Higgs
ATLAS Experiment:
#ATLAS uses excellent mass resolution to find narrow two-photon signal in #Higgs search. #ichep2012 @ATLASexperiment
Marco Delmastro:
#ATLAS #Higgs->GammaGamma results is twice as strong as expected form Standard Model. What are we seeing? #CERN #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
Animation of real#Higgs candidate event in the #ATLAS detector #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Is is already 5PM somewhere in the world?#Higgs #party #Ineedadrink
Marco Delmastro:
Now the H->ZZ->4l in#ATLAS Higgs #Cern #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
As for photons, it takes a lot of work to select electron and muons with large efficiency.#ATLAS #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
#ATLAS' Fabiola Gianotti emphasizes improvements to analyses allowing efficient reconstruction of 4-lepton channels. #HIGGS #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
The long awaited mass plot in 4 leptons. See any bump? :-)#ATLAS #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
2012 Event Displays and Plots supporting#ATLAS #Higgs searches available at #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
I'm on the top left, blue short! RT@alboulz: #CERN auditorium, live on, cc @marcodelmastro #Higgs
Marco Delmastro:
Ehi!#ATLAS sees the Z peak. Anything else? :-) #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Fabiola is extremely good at teasing!#ATLAS #CERN #Higgs #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
#ATLAS reveals significant excess of events in 4-lepton #Higgs search. Same location as 2011 excess and as #CMS !
Marco Delmastro:
#ATLAS has 3.4 sigmas in 4 leptons channel 2011+2012! Again slighlty higher than in SM #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012
Kathryn Jepsen:
Fabiola Gianotti is a boss. "Only 7 minutes [left in the talk]? ...I'm sure you will not stop me before the final slide."#Higgs #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
"Total blackout everywhere". Fabiola rules!#ATLAS #Higgs
Higgs, c'è! Ci uniamo agli applausi della sala. Grandi!
ATLAS Experiment:
#ATLAS #Higgs results indicate significant excess in both 2-photon and 4-lepton channels. Statement can be found at http://www.atlas.c/news/2012/latest-results-from-higgs-search.html
#ATLAS also has 5 f*cking sigmas!!! With 2 new channels only! #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012 #HiggsDiscovery
Marco Delmastro:
We find it. WE FIND IT. Now I can cry#Higgs #DIscovery
Seth Zenz:
Hearty applause for#5sigma in ATLAS as well. We've discovered something, no question at all! #Higgs #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
Spontaneous applause in Europe and Australia as physicists celebrate 5-sigma signals in#ATLAS and #CMS in #HiggsBoson searches #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
This has been along story… This discovery come from very far!#Higgs #CERN #HiggsDiscovery #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
This is just the beginning#ATLAS #CERN #Higgs
Gianluigi Filippelli:
I think that... ATLAS is better!#Higgs #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
What is next for#ATLAS and #CMS ? "We need more data" says Fabiola Gianotti to measure what we have found. #Higgs #ICHEP2012
"We are entering the era of Higgs measurements"#ichep2012
Gianluigi Filippelli:
And ATLAS results confirm CMS results (I repeat: their presentation and results seem better)#Higgs #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Thanks Nature!#Higgs
Marco Delmastro:
#CERN Director General Rolf-Dieter Heuer gets #CERN and #ICHEP2012 audiences to agree that "we have something"!
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Marco Delmastro:
I think I'm going to cry. Seriously. Most of us have been working all their professional lifes for this #ATLAS #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
Look how flat that right plot on slide 22 is! Look at it! #ATLAS #AwesomeDetector #Higgs #CERn #ICHEP2012
Marco Delmastro:
Do you see the bump? Do you see it? (I;m getting emotional, I know) #ATLAS #Higgs #CERN #ICHEP2012 #Diphotons
ATLAS Experiment:
Beautiful four-electron event display from#Higgs searches with #ATLAS
Marco Delmastro:
We#ATLAS have 4.5 f*king sigmas in the# Higgs->gamma gamma channel only! Four Point Five! #CERN #ICHEP2012
Beautiful four-electron event display from
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
ATLAS Experiment:
Animation of real
Marco Delmastro:
Is is already 5PM somewhere in the world?
Marco Delmastro:
Now the H->ZZ->4l in
Marco Delmastro:
As for photons, it takes a lot of work to select electron and muons with large efficiency.
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
The long awaited mass plot in 4 leptons. See any bump? :-)
ATLAS Experiment:
2012 Event Displays and Plots supporting
Marco Delmastro:
I'm on the top left, blue short! RT
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Fabiola is extremely good at teasing!
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
Kathryn Jepsen:
Fabiola Gianotti is a boss. "Only 7 minutes [left in the talk]? ...I'm sure you will not stop me before the final slide."
Marco Delmastro:
"Total blackout everywhere". Fabiola rules!
Higgs, c'è! Ci uniamo agli applausi della sala. Grandi!
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
We find it. WE FIND IT. Now I can cry
Seth Zenz:
Hearty applause for
ATLAS Experiment:
Spontaneous applause in Europe and Australia as physicists celebrate 5-sigma signals in
Marco Delmastro:
This has been along story… This discovery come from very far!
Marco Delmastro:
This is just the beginning
Gianluigi Filippelli:
I think that... ATLAS is better!
ATLAS Experiment:
What is next for
"We are entering the era of Higgs measurements"
Gianluigi Filippelli:
And ATLAS results confirm CMS results (I repeat: their presentation and results seem better)
Marco Delmastro:
Thanks Nature!
Marco Delmastro:
peppe liberti:
ATLAS Experiment:
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Emotion!!!#Higgs #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
Loud applause from "Down Under" as Q&A begins following a historical video-link seminar#CERN #ICHEP2012 #Higgs
ATLAS Experiment:
CERN's Director Rolf Heuer: "This historic milestone is only the beginning, it has global implications for the future". Standing ovation!
ATLAS Experiment:
#ATLAS Android App LHSee already updated with real #Higgs decay candidates #ICHEP2012 #HiggsBoson
ATLAS Experiment:
Loud applause from "Down Under" as Q&A begins following a historical video-link seminar
ATLAS Experiment:
CERN's Director Rolf Heuer: "This historic milestone is only the beginning, it has global implications for the future". Standing ovation!
ATLAS Experiment:
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Marco Delmastro:
Marco Delmastro:
Congratulasions from Peter#Higgs! He's happy this happened in his lifetime!!!
Gianluigi Filippelli:
Francois#Englert "Extraordinary presentations!" #ICHEP2012
ATLAS Experiment:
#Higgs and #Englert in #CERN auditorium. Englert notes that they only "started it". Impressed with job of #LHC in completing it.
Marco Delmastro:
Wasn't it worth to wait until today?#Higgs #FuckTheRumors
ATLAS Experiment:
#PeterHiggs expressed gratitude that this event happened during his lifetime. #HiggsBoson #ICHEP2012 #ATLAS #CMS #CERN
Congratulasions from Peter
Gianluigi Filippelli:
ATLAS Experiment:
Marco Delmastro:
Wasn't it worth to wait until today?
ATLAS Experiment:
Qualche tweet l'ho trovato grazie a Giuliana Galati
In realtà il Bosone di Higgs è Voltorb.
Cern esulta, scoperto il bosone di#Higgs. Prossime sfide: trovare il neurone di Gasparri, la sinistra in Italia e il punto G della Fornero.
ATLAS Experiment:
#ATLAS celebrates its highly successful #HiggsBoson search. But could it be that they found it before? #ICHEP2012 ?
Pare sia finita la sessione. Se del caso ci faccio un altro post, due al prezzo di uno. Non vi dico però che faticaccia!
E poi Jakob Nielsen, massimo esperto in usabilità, dice che i link devono essere 7 +/- 2. Qui sono decisamente fuori.
Naturalmente bravo CERN, bravi cerniotti!
In realtà il Bosone di Higgs è Voltorb.
Cern esulta, scoperto il bosone di
ATLAS Experiment:
Pare sia finita la sessione. Se del caso ci faccio un altro post, due al prezzo di uno. Non vi dico però che faticaccia!
E poi Jakob Nielsen, massimo esperto in usabilità, dice che i link devono essere 7 +/- 2. Qui sono decisamente fuori.
Naturalmente bravo CERN, bravi cerniotti!
Insomma, alla fine è la conclusione è che per contenere tutta la massa che il bosone di H. conferisce a quelli del CERN è necessario un auditorium moooolto più grande.
RispondiEliminaEppoi... cerniotti? No, CERNIE tout court.