Avvertenza: ci sono un paio di immagini lunghe ma secondo me OK ☺
Quali di questi 101 profili Twitter seguite già?
I numeri sul terrorismo nel mondo e attraverso gli anni
#vaccini e #autismo secondo @scottecs
Just a reminder of how you could find π
Finally, some good news
Thinking about a project, paper or thesis?
Game of artificial life: Minimal cell raises stakes in race to harness synthetic biology: uno, due e tre.
Formula Isis
Solo due righe su Johan Cruyff (una piccola storia)
Saturn's Moons and Rings May Be Younger Than The Dinosaurs
GMO food labels are coming to more US grocery shelves – are consumers ready?
Just me and a sunset halo
Another strong contender for the new genre of #tribecadocumentary
Honey, I found a picture of your grandmother
India Aims To Become 100% Electric Vehicle Nation By 2030
Transforming Wind Turbines Into a Mesmerizing Light Show
Garanzia Giovani, numeri flop: solo 3 su 100 trovano un lavoro
Questa non è nostra e non troviamo l'autore, ma merita di essere vista
Visita gratuita ai musei cittadini
roba seria, roba buona
strange but true
The Grand Canyon lit only by lightning
Amazing Rangoli Art
So boni tutti a rimettere gli orolgi a casa...ma in macchina???
These vitamin-fortified bananas might get you thinking differently about GMOs
What thirty years of technology looks like: the early high-school years
Paying for doughnuts with a phone
10 cool writing tips
Il terrorismo
Umberto Eco e la mia formazione
Il seme del dubbio
Donald Trump tombstone was found in Central Park
The circular economy
Japan's $273 Million Satellite Has Broken Up Into 'Multiple Pieces'
peccato, ma ne lanciamo un altro, vero?
Trova le differenze
why young people are angry
This is my spirit animal
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